We are open: Monday - Friday 9:00 - 17:00
You can reach us by phone: 08232 8088488
You can find our store in Augsburger Str. 9 - 86830 Schwabümünchen:
If you cant bring your device during our business hours, you can put in into our mail flap anytime day and night.
Since the first Corona Lockdown we have installed our cell phone flap. Here you can deposit your defective devices around the clock, seven days a week. Next to the flap you will find a compartment with bags and repair forms to fill out yourself. This is also available for download here. Maximum acceptance size is 17 inch laptops.
Bitte füllt den Schein komplett aus ! Packt euer Gerät in die Tüte und legt es in die Klappe. Wir melden uns zeitnah bei euch.